D126: Resourcefulness: beyond Bricolage and Effectuation with(out) limitation of Resources


  • Malsch Florence
  • Janssen Frank
  • Guieu Gilles


  • Resourcefulness
  • Entrepreneurial Process
  • Effectuation
  • Bricolage
  • Resourcing Objectives
  • Prior Work
  • Approach
  • Results
  • Implications and Value

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In a context marked by growing uncertainty, entrepreneurs face the question of resource scarcity in a burning way. Which resources can be used in a resource-constrained environment? How to gain access to resources? When talking about access to resources in an uncertain and resource-constrained environment, most researchers in entrepreneurship will think about effectuation (Sarasvathy, 2001) and bricolage (Bakker and Nelson, 2005). Both logics can coexist in the same entrepreneurial process (Nelson et Lima, 2020; Servantie et Rispal, 2020). Nevertheless, there is a gap in the literature concerning the interconnections between effectuation, bricolage and resources. Our objective is to contribute to the research stream of resourcefulness (Williams et al., 2021) that offers an opportunity to bridge these concepts under a wider theoretical framework. We focus on the theme of “resources”, a theme that was absent from the original writings by Lévi-Strauss on bricolage. The main aim of our empirical qualitative study is to contribute to develop and specify the theoretical framework of resourcefulness by using the concept of resourcing (Feldman, 2004). By doing so, we also clarify how bricolage and effectuation are organized in a resourceful process.

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