The outsourcing decision process in humanitarian supply chain management evaluated through the TCE and RBV principles


  • Cohen Loïc


  • Keyword Outsourcing decision
  • TCE
  • RBV
  • Humanitarian Logistics
  • Supply chain management

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This paper assesses how Transactions Cost Economics (TCE) and Resources Based View (RBV) theoretical principles used in supply chain management (SCM) to explain the outsourcing decision process, can support this process in humanitarian supply chain management (HSCM). The applicability evaluation of these theories principles to HSCM is conducted firstly, by screening the literature relating to the outsourcing decision process supported by the TCE and the RBV in SCM. Secondly, by screening the literature on HSCM in order to define its specificities. Despite the differences between the " humanitarian " and " commercial " contexts, this paper should reflect the possibility of selecting and combining the two key theories principles applicable in SCM, to explain the outsourcing decision process in HSCM.

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